New Roundabouts - Huge Crash Savings
Two new roundabouts designed by TES and commissioned by Auckland Transport have achieved substantial crash savings, post-construction. Roundabouts that are well designed can achieve substantial long-term crash savings! Also, the Church / Victoria roundabout was the subject of a peer...
Zero Road Deaths Can Be Achieved
A road death toll is not inevitable. More than 500 cities worldwide with populations greater than 50,000 have achieved zero road deaths multiple times. Common actions to achieve this have included: Redirecting Road Funding - Walking and cycling infrastructure generally gets low priority for funding...
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods - Health Benefits
A London study recently investigated 6 years of travel survey data for major active travel infrastructure upgrades in Outer London. The active travel infrastructure upgrades included improvements to walking and cycling facilities and low traffic neighbourhoods. The study determined that 20 year health...
30kmh Speed Limits in Cities
Six European cities have been studied to determine the effects of introducing 30km/h speed limits on all or most roads within the cities. The results indicate that the lower speed limits have resulted in significantly fewer crashes, lower speeds, reduced noise, reduced local pollution, and no increase in travel time...
A Leap Forward in Road Safety - Bader Drive
The finishing touches for several road safety improvements along Bader Drive in Mangere have recently been completed. In an effort to calm vehicle speeds and enhance safety for all road users, one midblock crossing was upgraded and a new midblock crossing was installed in 2023. The midblock crossings are...
Hoboken - Zero Traffic Deaths
While traffic deaths continue to rise in much of the United States, one New Jersey city is bucking the trend. Hoboken, with a population of around 60,000, has implemented a ‘Vision Zero’ plan that is working as intended. The city hasn’t had a single traffic death since January 2017, and according to Bloomberg...
SUV's To Pay Triple for Parking
The mayor of Paris has proposed to triple parking rates for SUVs in central Paris, which will discourage motorists from using vehicles over a specific weight. This initiative is likely to improve road safety, reduce vehicle emissions, and promote public transport. From emissions to road deaths, the trend for ever-bigger...
More Cycle Lanes = More Cycling
Efforts to improve facilities for cyclists in Paris are showing impressive results. The mayor’s office has published new statistics showing that bicycle use in both the centre of Paris and the suburbs rose by 54% in one year following a considerable increase in cycle lanes, many of them separated from motorised...
Active Modes Travel - Best Practice in Australia
Best practice design guidelines have been released in Australia for prioritising ‘active travel’ (pedestrians and cyclists). The proposals include recommendations for reducing conflict at city intersections, which can be dangerous for cyclists, where over half of cyclist collisions occur. The...