This roundabout replaced an existing cross-roads junction, and was an urgent project due to on-going serious crashes and political stakeholder involvement. A plan prepared by another consultant was peer reviewed and amended. Advanced design scheme and detailed design plans were prepared within one month of the design being commissioned.
Construction was completed successfully by early January 2020, within 5 months of the project being commissioned, at an estimated construction cost of around $700k. The constructed roundabout was the first ‘Safe Systems – Vision Zero’ design of its kind in New Zealand, being a fully raised roundabout with 4 pedestrian crossings. Crash analysis in 2021 (to-date) determined that the new roundabout had addressed all reported crashes.
This project was selected as a finalist in the IPWEA NZ Asset Management Excellence Awards (2022), based on ‘Excellence and Innovation’, ‘Community and Economic Contribution’, ‘Project Management’, and Road Safety Benefits.
Also, the project was presented as a paper at the ARSC conference (Christchurch 2022), ENZ Conference (Tauranga 2023), published as a case study in the international ‘Journal of Road Safety’, and presented on the Waka Kotahi website as a Safe System Case Study.